On the occasion of “International day against Drug abuse and Illicit trafficking 2024” –Walkathon and Awareness programmme was organized on 26th June 2024 jointly by the Department of Empowerment of Differently abled and senior citizens, Government of Karnataka, NGO-CAD MS trust, Bangalore in association with Department of Community Medicine, BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. The theme for this year was “The evidence is clear: Invest in prevention”. Inauguration of this programme along with flag off for walkathon was done by Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji, managing director, BGS and SJB group of institutions. Around 700 students from SJB and BGS group of Institutions participated in the Walkathon. Walkathon was held from Vishnuvardhan road till SJB Auditorium. Dr. Mohan M E Dean and Principal, BGS GIMS along with the dignitaries graced this awareness programme. Awareness in the form of Role Play was performed by the students of BGS GIMS at the SJB Auditorium followed by a Guest Lecture on- A scientific overview of Addiction and its Prevention by Dr. Karthik, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry.