BGS GIMS Library and Information Centre
BGS GIMS Library and Information Centre’s new premises was inaugurated on 24th November 2022.
The program was graced by the following dignitaries:
- His Holiness, Jagadguru, Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, President of the Adichunchunagiri Shikshana Trust.
- Revered Sri, Sri, Dr.PrakashnathaSwamiji, Managing Director, BGS Group of Institutions.
- Shri BasavrajBommai , Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Karnataka.
- Shri R Ashok, Hon’ble Minister for Revenue, Government of Karnataka.
- Shri S T Somashekhar, Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation, Government of Karnataka.
- Ms .Ramya, Cine actress & Former Member of Parliament, Mandya
The BGSGIMS Library and Information Centre was inaugurated by Shri BasavrajBommai , Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Karnataka; Shri R Ashok, Shri S T Somashekhar and Ms. Ramya.
The BGS GIMS Library and Information Centre have acollection of 15000+ Medical books and subscription to 145 periodicals yearly on various medical subjects. The objective of the Institute’s Library and Information centre is to respond to the needs of the students and staff providing a congenial atmosphere for Learning.
The library is open from 9: 00 AM to 9: 00 PM on all working days. Photocopy facilities are available in the library. There are also separate reading rooms for the students to bring in their own reading material to study. The central Library is also accommodated with e- Library. All the departments have a library of their own.
BGS GIMS Library and Information centre has the membership to Health Science Library and information Network (HELINET) Consortium of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences having access to huge current full-text electronic Resources of e-journals e-books & Dissertations.