National Doctor’s Day
National Doctor’s Day is celebrated on July 1stevery year to honour the significant role physicians play in our lives. This day commemorates the great physician Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy, the second chief minister of West Bengal and a renowned physician, who was born and passed away on this day.
Doctors’ Day was organized by BGSGIMS at SBJ Gallery on 1stJuly 2024 at 3.00 PM. Dr.Jayasree S Seeri, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine formally welcomed the gathering. Dr. M.E Mohan Dean Principal, BGSGIMS gave an overview of the life and achievement of Dr B C Roy. He remembered the contributions made by him in the medical and social upliftment of the people. He described how Dr Roy established himself from a doctor to a politician and a social reformer. He elaborated on need for patience, passion and compassion for the medical profession among doctors. He mentioned that there is a solution for every complicated problem which we need to search and ensure. He also, appreciated the efforts of doctors in building a healthy society. The Dr.SrikanthKulkarni, Medical superintendent of the hospital, HODs,teaching staff,PGs and Internswere present in the program. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Rashmi R, Assistant professor.