Celebration of ORS WEEK, July-2021
Department of Pediatrics, BGS GIMS, Bangalore
A bright sunny morning heralded celebrations on the last day in the month July at the very front door of our esteemed institution. The event marked the culmination of ORS Week, an annual occurrence observed during the last week of July. This yearly ritual was conducted with much fanfare and enthusiasm by the Department of Pediatrics under the aegis of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics with this year’s theme of Oral Rehydration, No More Dehydration.

The venue for the day, Reception-Area of the hospital was decorated with a colourful display of informative, hand- drawn posters that were submitted by the students and interns of our institution.
The heads of various departments, faculties, postgraduates, interns and undergraduate students of the institution were present in full force along with scores of common people who had assembled with due regard to the COVID-19 restrictions in place.
As the clock struck ten, our beloved Dean and Principal, Dr. M.E. Mohan Sir and our dearest Medical Superintendent, Dr. Srikanth Kulkarni Sir were welcomed b y t h e H O D a n d P r o f e s s o r D r. Ramesh.A.C., Sir along with the rest of the Department of Pediatrics. Our Principal, Dr. M.E. Mohan Sir kicked off the festivities with a few words of wisdom that highlighted the importance of identifying dehydration and the need to promptly correct it.
This was followed by the highlight of the day, a short play of three stories, each educating the common folk about the importance of Oral Rehydration Solution, that was enacted by the students of 3rd year MBBS. It was a short but phenomenal effort by the students to drive home the theme of the day.

Finally, curtains were called for the day with one-on-one discussions amongst the common public to alleviate all the doubts and myths about ORS. In what has become their signature parting-style, the Department of Pediatrics distributed sweets before everybody went back to their daily grind.