VenueSJB miniauditorium, Admin block
Organized byDepartment of paediatrics, BGSGIMS
Coordinator/ Program in chargeDr. M.E Mohan and Dr. Ramesh M
No. of Faculty  / Students Benefited357
Objective of the ProgramTo understand the Basic investigation’s like complete blood count, chest x ray, liver function tests, urine analysis and kidney function tests. In this CME we also discussed case scenarios.
CME outcomeIn this program about 357 members including faculty and students attended.The gained knowledge will be transfer to the current students and it is end up with synergic effect.The CME is ended with under graduate quiz competition on basic investigation’s.
Resource PersonsDr. Ramesh M Dr. Poornima samyam Dr. Rohith Dr. Vinod
Brief  report about the ProgramUnder the able guidance and motivation of the Dean and Principaof BGSGIMS Dr. M E. Mohan and Dr.Ramesh M successfully conducted a CME on All about basic investigation’s on 12/07/2024. The Aim of this CME Programme was to understand the basic investigation’s and apply in clinical practice. This knowledge will aids in diagnostic of common infections. It also avoids unnecessary investigation’s for patients. Clinicians, under graduates and post graduates from various departments are highly benefitted by this CME.  In this CME we discussed multiple case scenarios which further helps students to understand the importance of basic investigation’s. The CME programme was ended successfully by under graduate quiz competition.  In Pre Lunch Sessionsfollowing topics were discussed –  a)“BAISICS OF CHEST X-RAY”- by: Dr. Major Rohan P J, prof. of Radiology, BGS GIMS, Bengaluru. b) “COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT ”byDr. Fulton D’Souza. Prof and Head, Dept of Paediatrics. St John’s Medicine college, Bengaluru. c) “LIVER FUNCTION TESTS.” Dr. SomashekarA R.Prof and Head, Dept of Paediatrics. MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru.   d)  “URINE ANALYSIS AND RFT”Dr. Uday Kumar S. Prof and Head, Dept of Paediatrics. ESIMedical College, Bengaluru . In Post Lunch Session:– d) CASE SCENARIOS AND INVESTIGATION Dr. RameshM prof and Head Dept of Paediatrics. BGS GIMS, Bengaluru. e) UG QUIZ–ON BASIC INVESTIGATION’S.