“Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time”
῀ C. Everett Koop
Community Medicine deals with the provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services, with a holistic approach primarily focusing on Community Health.
The department is involved in activities like undergraduate, interns and postgraduate trainings. Department runs rural and urban health training centers to provide patient care and train the students to gain knowledge, skills and competencies in primary care. As a part of national health programmes, department has functioning Designated microscopy centre (DMC) and Integrated counselling and testing centre (ICTC) for control of TB and HIV/AIDS.
There is active participation of the department in the implementation of many National health programmes like Pulse Polio Immunization Programme, National Leprosy eradication programme, National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, National AIDS Control Programme, Universal Immunization Programme, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, National Mental health programme etc.
Various CMEs, workshops, training programs are organized to catch up with the recent updates. World and National health days are observed by organizing various events and competitions involving the undergraduate students and interns by conducting quiz, poster, collage, essay writing etc. and also involving the community by conducting street plays, jathas and rallies.
Department has various funded and non-funded research activities including ICMR students short term projects. Faculty and students are encouraged to conduct research activities, participate in conferences and publish their research work.
The other activities include participation in health camps and conducting information, education and communication and health education activities, epidemiological assessment, control and prevention of outbreaks, research and planning evidence-based health policies and programmes.

Dr. Jayashree S Seeri
Professor and Head
Department of Community Medicine