The Bangalore Dermatological Society (BDS) under the aegis of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists Leprologists (IADVL) is taking enormous efforts to share and upgrade skills and knowledge of Dermatologists across various parts of Bangalore. It also establishes a learning platform for students to excel in their academic performance and thereby in their professional career.
Keeping the above subject in mind, they are conducting monthly CME programmes hosted by various esteemed medical colleges in Bangalore, Karnataka. Accordingly, BDS CME programme for the month of May was conducted by BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences (BGS GIMS), Kengeri, Bangalore headed by Professor & Head of Department, Dr.Sanjana A.S on 26th May 2024, Sunday between 8.30 AM to 2 PM with CME credit points of 1 HOUR by Karnataka Medical Council.
We, the Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, BGS GIMS take immense pleasure in hosting this CME. Totally 125 delegates had registered and 46 postgraduates had registered for the Quiz. The occasion was graced by eminent faculties from various parts of Bangalore, Karnataka.
The CME started with 4th monthly Knowledge Knockout PG Quiz prelims and totally 23 teams (46 participants) participated in the preliminary round.
Following that, an interactive session of spotter discussion for the postgraduates was conducted by Dr. Soundharyaa Moorthi.S, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, BGS GIMS. The topic for spotter discussion was “Lichen Planus”.
Inaugural speech was delivered by Dr.S.Sacchidanand, President, BDS. He addressed the audience with his enthusiastic speech and highlighted the importance of this CME as a great learning platform for postgraduate students.
Felicitation of the BDS President Dr. S. Sacchidanand and BDS Secretary Dr. Sujala Sacchidanad Aradhya was done by the Head of Department of Dermatology Dr. Sanjana A.S and Professor Dr. Rajendra Okade respectively.
Next in line was the scientific session (session 1) hosted by the Department of Dermatology, headed by Professor & Head of Department, Dr.Sanjana A.S, BGS GIMS. “Any case with a learning point is a good case to present”. Likewise, postgraduates of BGS GIMS presented various rare and unusual interesting cases that were encountered in Dermatology OPD, BGS GIMS forming a moral learning experience for all Dermatologists. Totally 12 cases were presented by 6 postgraduates among which 10 were rare case reports, 1 case series and 1 original study.
Following this, we had a tea break for a duration of 15 minutes.
Next in continuation was the announcement of various upcoming BDS and IADVL activities.
Following this, a scientific session (session 2) was conducted. In this session, the first half an hour was a brief talk on “Melasma in Indian scenario- Treatment updates” by Dr. Dheemant. M, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology, BGS GIMS. The next one hour was an elaborative panel discussion on “Facial melanosis and its management”, moderated by Dr. Sanjana A.S and the eminent panelists were Dr. Nataraj H.V, Professor, Akash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bengaluru, Dr. Vidya T.S, Consultant Dermatologist, Bengaluru, Dr. Eshwar Bhat, Professor, St.John’s Medical College, Bengaluru and Dr. Madura.C, Consultant Dermatologist & Dermatosurgeon, CUTIS Academy of Cutaneous Sciences, Bengaluru.
The succeeding session was the Knowledge Knockout PG Quiz finals where 4 teams were qualified with 2 participants in each team. This session was graced by amazing quiz masters Dr. Heera Ramesh and Dr. Sachin.S. Post graduate students Dr. Tejas and Dr. Bharath from Bangalore Medical College secured the first place and Dr. Mahalaxmi and Dr. Ramya from Bangalore Medical College secured the second place.
The event ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Sujala Sacchidanand Aradhya, Secretary, BDS followed by lunch.
Registration Desk
Lighting the Lamp Ceremony
Dignitaries on the Dias
Inaugural address by Dr.S. Sacchidanand, BDS President
Felicitation of Dignitaries
Knowledge Knockout PG Quiz- Preliminary Round
Spotter discussion on Lichen planus by Dr.SoundharyaaMoorthi.S, Assistant Professor,Department of Dermatology, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr. Krithika G.M, 3rdyear Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr. SharaviBudanur, 3rd year Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr.PushpavathiRathod, 1st year Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr.BhavaniChikaraddi, 1st year Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr. Tarun Kumar D Jain, 2nd year Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
Case presentation by Dr.SanjanaNabh, 2nd year Junior Resident, BGS GIMS
A brief talk on Melasma byDr. Dheemant. M, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology, BGS GIMS.
Panel discussion on Facial Melanosis moderated by Dr. Sanjana A.S with eminent panelists.
Knowledge Knockout PG Quiz- Finals Finalists with the quiz masters and faculties
Vote of thanks by Dr. Sujala Sacchidanand Aradhya, BDS Secretary
Faculty of Department of Dermatology, BGS GIMS
On behalf of whole Dermatology department, BGS GIMS, I sincerely thank the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and all other members of BDS for their continued support and motivation to successfully conduct this CME. Also, I sincerely thank our Dean cum Principal, Dr. M.E Mohan for giving us permission to conduct this CME in our prestigious institution.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Sanjana A.S,
Professor & HOD,
Department of Dermatology,