BGSGIMS ,Bangalore has one of the most Advanced Skills Lab and Simulation center, with specifically equipped practice rooms functioning as training facilities for medical students, physicians in training in order to hone and develop their skills.
Our mission is to promote clinical competence, ensure patient safety and enhance the skills of medical students during their training. The skills lab employs highly skilled and motivated faculty who will participate in students learning experiences will impart their knowledge and skills during debriefing sessions and feedback that will go a long way in improving the performance of students before they are exposed to real life scenarios.
Students will be exposed to mannequins related to clinical skill development like surgical, obstetric, trauma, cardiac, pediatric and critical care specialities. We also have high fidelity simulators, high fidelity mannequins, well equipped audiovisual aids, debriefing hall in front of skills lab, common group practice area and classroom for teaching which places us among the top most skills lab in the country.
The facilitators will help the students by exposing them to procedures and scenarios on mannequins in a gradual manner, thereby enhancing their skills during their academic tenure and contributing to their clinical prowess. This will be followed by evaluating these activities after the end of individual sessions so as to improve the performance of these students further.
Our lab helps undergraduates, postgraduate students and faculty members to qualify and enhance their skills in BLS, ACLS and ECLS activities
Mannequins and information technology are employed to provide hands-on learning sessions for each individual learner to practice essential clinical skills. Students will have the opportunity to experience and learn the competence they require for clinical practice.