VAIBHAV – 2022
BGS GIMS celebrated its Annual Cultural Day programme VAIBHAV 2022 on 19th October 2022.The programme was gracedby the following dignitaries:
- His Holiness, Jagadguru, Sri SriSri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, President of the Adichunchunagiri Shikshana Trust.
- Revered Sri, Sri, Dr. Prakashnatha Swamiji, Managing Director, BGS Group of Institutions.
- ShriTejasvi Surya , Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Bengaluru South LokSabha Constituencyand National President of BJP YuvaMorcha
- Dr. M. K. Ramesh,Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor ,RGUHS
- Sri NenapiriliPrem, Cine actor
- Dr. Bhagwan B.C, Senate and Syndicate member of RGUHS and Professor of Surgery and Vice Principal at KIMS
- Dr. M.E. Mohan ,Dean cum Principal of BGS GIMS
- Dr. SrikanthKulkarni, Medical Superintendent, BGS GIMS, Hospital.
The introduction was done by Dr.Ragini Ananth Kashid.The programme began with the invocation song by Ms. Sagarika and group. The welcome address and felicitation was done by Dr.M.E.Mohan, Dean cum Principal of BGS GIMS. The second edition of the college magazine GIMSTONE was released by the dignitaries. TheChief Guest Dr.M.K. Ramesh,theGuests of HonourShriTejasvi SuryaandSri NenapiriliPrem shared their thoughts on this programme. This was followed by prize distribution to the winners of various events. The Rolling Championship Trophy for Culturals was won by Team Elixirs (9th term students)
The Rolling Championship Trophy for Sports was won byTeam Elysians(House surgeons)
The formal inauguration was concluded by Poojya MahaSwamiji’s Aashirvachana. This was followed by various cultural programmes like Classical and Non- Classical dance,Skits,Mad Ads, Fashion show by students, Fashion show by faculties and Group Song by Mr.Lohit and group. The grand event concluded with the Organising Committee walk. The anchors for the show were: Ms.Supritha, Ms.Medha, Ms.Nandini and Mr.Rohit.
VAIBHAV 2022received active participation from students and faculties. The grand finale received a lot of appreciation from the dignitaries, poojya Swamijis and audience for the enormous talent that BGS GIMS showcased under the guidance of Dr. M.E .Mohan, Dean cum Principal of BGS GIMS.