WHOCON 2023 – Report on Prize won by our Students in the 3day event WHOCON 23 at M.S Ramaiah Medical College
The M.S Ramaiah Medical College organized 3-day WHOCON 23 – from 29 th April 2023
to 1 st May 2023 for UG health sciences students. WHOCON is a model world health
assembly, the agenda of this program is improving the health of women, Children and
Adolescents. For this program from our college 7 students were participated. The list of
the students are as follows
- Shrish R
- Drisht K Shetty
- Neha M
- Tejash V M
- Tejas R
- Vishal
- Prekshit
The 3-day event included the following:
- Day 1- General assembly discussing Global problems
Regional assembly discussing solutions and government policies - Day 2- Regional assembles to make draft resolution
- Day 3-Presentation of Resolution, Crisis Committee
Overall, in the event 180 students were participated out of which only 3 won the best resolution paper award. Out of three our college 3rd year student Shrish R, won best resolution paper with cash prize Rs. 1000/-.