Women’s Basketball Event- Synergy 2023
(4th – 6thOctober 2023 at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, A.C.U., B.G Nagar, Nagamagala, Bellur)
The Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Adichunchanagiri University, B.G Nagar, Nagamangala, Bellur, Mandyaorganised the state level inter medical collegiate Women’s Basketball Event- Synergy 2023 in the university campus. In this tournament –8medical college teams were participated. Out of this, our women’s Basketball college team secured runners position / second placein the tournament. The final match was against KMC Manipal Mangalore and the score was 23-24.
All the stake holders of the BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences congratulatesour college Women’sBasketball Teamand Physical Education Director for successful accomplishment as Runners Up in the Tournament.