Date: – 15.03.2024

Venue: – Hospital Auditorium (2nd floor)

Time: – 2:30pm

Presided by Dean/ Principal Dr. M E Mohan

Highlight: –

  • Sleep importance, sleep hygiene: By Dr. Prashanth V, Professor, Department of ENT & HNS
  • Dr. Prashanth V enlightened us on the need of good sleep in our day to day life and shedded light upon components of a healthy sleep.
  • Snoring, obstructive sleep apnea and its consequences: By Dr. Srinivas V, Professor & HOD, Department of ENT &HNS
  • Dr. Srinivas V gave a comprehensive talk on etiological factors, consequences of OSA and the need for early diagnosis & treatment.
  • Polysomnography (PSG), sleep evaluation in our department: – By Dr. Lavanya M, Assistant professor, Department of ENT& HNS.
  • Dr. Lavanya M   sensitized hospital staff regarding level II PSG conducted at affordable price in the department.