CME – Anaesthetic considerations for ophthalmic surgeries
Ophthalmic surgery is one of the most common procedures that require anaesthesia. Local anaesthetic techniques are increasingly popular for ophthalmic surgery. The choice of the technique should be individualized based upon specific needs of the patient, the nature and extent of eye surgery. This CME was conducted to enlighten the faculty and students on “anaesthetic considerations for ophthalmic surgeries”.
The programme which was integrated with department of anaesthesiology began with an inaugural function following which the topics were discussed in the morning session which consisted of ‘orbital anatomy and its surgical significance’ by Dr. Avenapatel, consultant in nethradhama eye hospital, bangalore. This was followed by a stimulating session on topical, subtenons and peribulbar anaesthesia in ocular surgeries by Dr. Saviopereira, senior consultant, nethradhama eye hospital.Students were also educated with various other talks on ocular anaesthesia.
The afternoon session consisted of workshop and video assisted demonstration on ocular anaesthesia for the undergraduate students. This CME was conducted under the guidance and encouragement of our dean cum principal Dr. M E Mohan which made the event a grand success.