CME ON “Insight into management of Groin Hernia”
The CME Programme was conducted jointly by Departments of Surgery & Anatomy, BGS GIMS, Bengaluru on 03/05/2024.
The Aim of this CME Programme was to understand the anatomical & surgical aspects of Groin Hernia. It also dealt with recent advances in the management of Groin Hernia by esteemed speakers.
Groin Hernias are dangerous because they tend to keep getting larger & intestines can get trapped inside the bulge & loose its blood supply causing necrosis. Groin Hernias can be indirect, direct & femoral based on location. Their repair is an extremely common operation performed by surgeons. Surgeons recommend repair of all asymptomatic hernias to avoid complications. An open or laparoscopic approach can be used.
The CME activity reviewed the basics of Groin Hernias & highlighted the role of inter professional team in its Management.
In Pre Lunch Sessions following topics were discussed –
a) “An overview on Clinical Anatomy of Groin Hernia”- by: Dr. Swetha.B, Prof & HOD, Anatomy, BGS GIMS, Bengaluru.
b) “Surgical aspects of Groin Hernia” by Dr. Sunitha Raghu Kumar Associate prof, Dept of Surgery, BGSGIMS , Bengaluru.
c) “Management of Groin Hernia.” Dr. M. Ramesh Director, BEST INSTITUTE, Bengaluru.
In Post Lunch Session:–
d) Video Session – Compiled by Dr. M Ramesh
e) QUIZ – “Surgical perspectives of Hernia”
Our Principal DR M. E. Mohan has been the driving force behind this whole process. His
vision, guidance & encouragement has once again culminated in another success story. We
thank him immensely. We are very much indebted to the management of BGS GIMS,
Bengaluru for providing all the facilities for smooth conduction of this CME programme.