Criteria 1
- College curriculum meeting 2023-24
- 1.3.1 List of Courses with their Descriptions
- 1.4.2 Action taken report
- Feedback Analysis Report of 23-24
Criteria 2
- 2.2.3 Appropriate documentary evidence
- 2.3.3 List of teachers undergone training
- 2.3.3 Details of ICT enabled tools used for teaching and learning
- 2.3.3 List of Teachers usng ICT enabled tools
- 2.3.3 Link for webpage describing the “LMS Academic Management System”
- 2.3.5 Appropriate Documentary Evidence
- 2.5.1 Academic calendar
- 2.5.1 IA test 2023-24
- 2.5.3 Information on examination reforms
- 2.6.1 Methods of assessment
- 2.6.1 Program-outcomes-and-Course-outcomes
- 2.6.4 Action taken report
- 2.6.4 Circular minutes of meeting and action taken report
Criteria 3
- 3.4.4 Link for details of Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighborhood community during the year 2023-24
- 3.2.1 Innovation ecosystem
- 3.2.1 Details of the facilities and innovations made
Criteria 4
- 4.1.1 Geo tagged photographs
- 4.1.1 List of available teaching-learning facilities such as Class rooms, Laboratories, ICT enabled facilities including Teleconference facilities etc., mentioned above
- 4.1.2 List of available sports and cultural facilities
- 4.1.2 Geo tagged photographs
- 4.1.3 Photographs/ Geo tagging of Campus facilities
- 4.2.1 The facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geo tagging
- 4.2.1 The list of facilities available for patient care, teaching-learning and research
- 4.3.1 Geo tagged photographs of library facilities
- 4.3.2 Data on acquisition of books / journals /Manuscripts /ancient books etc., in the library
- 4.3.2 Geotagged photographs of library ambiance
- 4.3.5 Details of library usage by teachers and students
- 4.4.2 Documents related to updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities
- 4.5.2 Minutes of the meetings of the Maintenance Committee
- 4.5.2 Log book or other records regarding maintenance works
Criteria 5
- 5.1.2 Report of the event
- 5.1.3 Copy of circular brochure report of the event activity report Annual report of Pre-Examination Coaching centres
- 5.1.4 International student cell
- 5.1.5 Minutes of the meetings of student Grievance Redressal Committee and Anti-Ragging Committee Cell
- 5.3.2 Reports on the student council activities
- 5.4.1 Alumni Registration
- 5.4.1 Details of Alumni Association activities.
- 5.4.2 Extract of Audited statements of highlighting Alumni Association contribution
Criteria 6
- 6.1.1 Vision and Mission documents approval
- 6.1.1 Achievements which led to Institutional excellence
- 6.1.2 Relevant information /documents.
- 6.2.1 Organisational structure
- 6.2.1 Strategic Plan
- College counciling 2023 24
- 6.3.1 List of beneficiaries of welfare measures
- 6.3.5 Performance Appraisal System
- 6.3.5 Appraisal form
- 6.3.5 Performance appraisal system
- 6.4.1 Resource mobilization policy
- 6.4.1 Procedures for optimal resource utilization
- 6.4.2 Documents pertaining to internal and external audits for the last year
- 6.5.1 The structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
- 6.5.1 Minutes of the IQAC meetings
Criteria 7
- 7.1.2 List of Activities Planned
- 7.1.2 Day Care Facilities
- 7.1.3 Geotagged Photos
- 7.1.4 Link for relevant documents like agreements_MoUs with Government and other approved agencies
- 7.1.4 Link for Biomedical waste Management
- 7.1.5 Geo tagged photos of the facilities as the claim of the institution
- 7.1.6 Geotagged photos videos of the facilities if available
- 7.1.8 Student Inclusiveness
- 7.1.9 code of conduct
- 7.2. Best Practice
- 7.3. Institutional Distinctiveness
- 8.1.2 Documents pertaining to quality of care and patient safety practices followed by the teaching hospital
- 8.1.4 Interns assessment log book
- 8.1.4 Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCE/OSPE
- 8.1.5 Supporting for national policy
- 8.1.5 Supporting document for awareness program on eye donation
- 8.1.5 Report on the teaching sessions carried out on the relevance and operational features of the Immunization clinic.
- 8.1.6 Report on the functioning of the immunization clinic
- 8.1.6 Quality maintenance records in compliance with WHO guidelines during the preceding academic year
- 8.1.7 Method of Assessment for Attainment of Graduate Attributes
- 8.1.8 Seminars/conferences/workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational Technology organized by the MEU year- wise during the last year
- 8.1.8 list of teachers who participated in the seminars conferences workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational technology organized by the MEU of the College during the yea
- 8.1.1 Indemnity Bond